
  • AMORNMAS MOOKDAMUANG Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University
  • NARATHON YUENYUNG Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University


Music Therapy, Music Creation, Music Development, Creative Guidelines, Music Therapy Methods


       Music therapy activities are increasingly popular in modern times by many groups of medical professionals, social development groups and educators. Music has played an important role in development through various forms of activity, including singing, playing musical instruments, rhythmic movements, as well as listening and creative thinking for occupational therapy. Studies of past studies and scientific evidence have clearly shown that the structure and composition of music have unique characteristics of sound waves that can affect the activation of coordination in the human body. It also has a profound connection to emotional and psychological states. In addition, the music used in these activities has not been clearly categorized into the nature of the music used.  Most of them have been developed or used according to the aptitude and expertise of the user. Therefore, this article was presented to study the effects of music used in occupational therapy in various dimensions in order to know guidelines or methods for classifying the characteristics of music used in occupational therapy in each activity. These were analyzed and summarized as guidelines for creating music for music therapy activities These were analyzed and summarized as guidelines for creating music for music therapy activities. Two main grouping models were formed, namely acoustic music and music technology presented in connection with the main musical structure or components in various dimensions such as melody, rhythm, harmony, tone color and musical form, and so on. The findings would be useful in promoting the development of music for occupational therapy including being used in conjunction with educational and medical processes in the future.


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บทความวิชาการ | Academic Article