
  • PITSANU BOONSRIANAN College of Music, Mahasarakham University
  • YANVED MUEANPROM College of Dramatic Arts, Bunditpatanasilpa Institute


Ranaad ek, Isan melody, Creativity, Contemporary music


       This article, Ranaad Ek Composition: Isan Contemporary Musical Style, describes three musical pieces with the following characteristics.  Three Isan melodies, - Lai pong lang, Lai serng pong lang and Lai nok sai bin kham thung – are adapted by the Thai musical instrument, ranaad ek, using techniques common to both. The composition features alternating melodies between ranaad ek and pong lang, accompanied by Western instruments such as the drum set, electric guitar, electric bass guitar and keyboard.  Variations in melodic interpretation are the main techniques in the ranaad ek, while the pong lang plays the main melody with some variations as well.  It is a contemporary music genre.


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บทความวิจัย | Research Article