

  • วิสุดา แก้วหยด คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุบลราชธานี
  • เกศกนก หาทรัพย์
  • ชุติพร นครศรี


Chinese language, Thai language, Adjective reduplication forms


This paper makes a comparative analysis of the reduplication forms of adjectives in Chinese and Thai to find out their similarities and differences. Through the summary and comparative analysis of adjective reduplication in Chinese and Thai, We find that there are six types of adjective reduplication in Chinese: AA type, ABB type, AAB type, AABB type, ABAB type and A里AB type; while there are eight types of adjective reduplication in Thai: AA type, AAB type, AABB type, ABAB type, AแสนA type, AB แสนAB type, modulation type and harmonic type. There are both similarities and differences between them: First, there are four common forms of adjective reduplication in Chinese and Thai, including AA, AAB, AABB and ABAB. Second, the personality of adjective reduplication in Chinese and Thai; abb and a Li AB are unique in Chinese, but there are no two forms of adjective reduplication in Thai. There are also unique adjective reduplication forms in Thai, such as A แสน A type, AB แสน AB type, modulation type and harmonic type. Thirdly, Chinese ABAB reduplication is generally composed of two syllable state adjectives, while Thai ABAB reduplication is composed of property adjectives, It is not composed of state adjectives, and a basic form in Chinese state adjectives will overlap into two or three forms, which is not found in Thai. Fourthly, some monosyllabic adjectives can not be overlapped in Chinese, but in Thai.
In addition, some monosyllabic adjective reduplication acts as the same sentence element
(as attribute), but the semantics is different.

Therefore, Thai learners need to distinguish between reduplicated and non reduplicated adjectives when using Chinese monosyllabic adjectives. Through the above results, it deepens the academic understanding of the commonness and individuality of Chinese and Thai languages, and provides a new perspective for the future comparative study between Chinese and foreign languages.


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How to Cite

แก้วหยด ว., หาทรัพย์ เ. ., & นครศรี ช. (2021). 汉泰形容词重叠形式对比. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 8(1), 207–224. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/clcjn/article/view/247769