A Study of the Translation of Logistics Terms from English to Thai and Chinese


  • ณัฐศรัณย์ บำรุงศรี คณะมนุษยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
  • จตุวิทย์ แก้วสุวรรณ์


Translation from English to Thai and Chinese, Logistics Terms


This article objectives to study the translation of word-for-word logistics terms between English to Thai and Chinese, only case when translation does not conform to the general meaning of English in English-Thai Explanatory Dictionary Fundamentals of Logistics and Supply Chain Management by Pornwasin Sirisawat and Sangchan Kantabutra. Using strategies to compare word-to-word meanings by Translation theories of Supannee Pinmanee and Ratchanirot Kulthamrong. The research showed that Thai and Chinese not translated according to the general meaning of English, but translation under the concept of logistics. If general public Do not have specific knowledge will not be able to translate these. Therefore use translation method : 1) Secondary and figurative sense translate  English into Thai 2) Nonliteral lexical equivalents translate Chinese into Thai 3) Meanings that make up a vocabulary translate English into Thai and 4) Generic term and Descriptive features translate  English into Chinese. Show the translation of words in each language can’t literal translation require understanding of the meaning implications of that word. These translation methods can be used to translate new words for study meaning in a technical term, especially the word that never used in target language.


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How to Cite

บำรุงศรี ณ., & แก้วสุวรรณ์ จ. . (2021). A Study of the Translation of Logistics Terms from English to Thai and Chinese. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 8(1), 297–312. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/clcjn/article/view/247553