Translation problems and Strategies in translating product labels from Chinese to Thai of Chinese major students



  • WILAI LIMTHAWARANUN Burapha University


กลวิธีการแปล การแปลภาษาจีนเป็นภาษาไทย ปัญหาการแปลฉลากสินค้า


The aims of this research were to study translation problems and strategies at product labels translation which were translated from Chinese into Thai, study data collected from Chinese majoring students' product label translation assignments, its related to labeling of food, beverages, drugs and cosmetics, there are 438 items in total that including words, phrases, sentences and texts. According to analyzing translation quality, translation errors and strategies for translating product labels which is processed as a statistical percentage.

          Based on the results showed that the translations had a misunderstanding of original text, using too many lexical translation methods, mistranslating into the target language, translation of unnatural language and lack of translation technical knowledge. Suggestions for product labeling translation strategies are as follow, the nature of the information on the product label should be taken into account. Due to space limitations and purpose of communication, use the following strategies: Acronyms, the words for translation should be familiar to consumers or should be consistent with the language and culture of sales targets. Easy to understand and no redundant words, and usages. Language reflecting value of consumers and modern business language, etc.



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How to Cite

LIMTHAWARANUN, W. (2023). Translation problems and Strategies in translating product labels from Chinese to Thai of Chinese major students : ปัญหาและกลวิธีการแปลฉลากสินค้าจากภาษาจีนเป็นภาษาไทยของนิสิตวิชาเอกภาษาจีน . Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 9(2), 319–338. Retrieved from



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