A Discussion on the Cultural Connotative Meanings between Chinese and Thai Orientation Words “East, West, North and South”


  • คำพล โพธิ์นอก มรภ.กาญจนบุรี


East, west, north, south, cultural connotative meanings, traditional culture


The orientation words have a close connection with people’s daily life. The words “east, west, north and south” in Chinese and Thai, in many instances, are not just used to express directions, and they also have their own distinctive cultural connotations which reflect on the expression of respect and humbleness, like and dislike that the orientation words present in language using. Through the discussion on the cultural connotative meanings between Chinese and Thai orientation Words “East, West, North and South”, this paper aims to analyze the commonness and differences between them, which will be helpful to the improvement of teaching in CAFL (Chinese as a foreign language) and cultural exchanges between China and Thailand.


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How to Cite

โพธิ์นอก ค. (2021). A Discussion on the Cultural Connotative Meanings between Chinese and Thai Orientation Words “East, West, North and South”. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 8(2), 053–064. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/clcjn/article/view/251767