An Empirical Study of Purchase Intention a Ticket Watching Movies at a Cinema in Chengdu, China during COVID-19

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Zhang Jin
Chompu Nuangjamnong


The purpose of this study is to determine the critical aspects that influence the purchase intention of a ticket to see a movie in a theater in Chengdu, China, during COVID-19. The research focuses on the intention to purchase movie tickets and the attitude toward seeing movies. The conceptual framework for this study was taken from the planned behavior theory of (TPB) and earlier research, which included four variables: consumer satisfaction, perceived behavioral control, attitude toward watching the movie, and intention to purchase cinema tickets. The samples (n = 350) were drawn using the snowball and convenience sampling methods from online questionnaires. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM) were used to validate the model's goodness-of-fit and evaluate the hypotheses. The findings indicated that perceived behavioral control, customer pleasure, and attitude toward watching movies are all significant factors influencing the intention to purchase movie tickets at the theaters in Chengdu, China. Additionally, there are no significant changes in the regression paths for each item, but customer satisfaction with their attitude toward watching movies is the biggest predictor of intention to purchase movie tickets. As a result, this paper recommends that film distributors at the cinema and the media collaborate to improve their messages on social media and digital platforms in order to increase consumers' positive perceptions and attitudes toward cinemas, including the use of new technologies to enhance the audience experience.

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