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The research objective of this research was to study 1) the core competencies and performance of the hotel industry in Thailand, and 2) the effects of the core competencies and performance of the hotel industry in Thailand. The sample for this study consists of more than 242 four-star hotel executives. The research tool was a questionnaire and analyze the data with descriptive statistics and inferential statistics by using a confirmatory factor analysis and the influence of structural equation modeling.
The research results were as follows: 1) training development core competency had the highest mean of 6.09 (SD = 1.122). Next, interactive marketing core competency had the highest mean of 5.97 (SD = 1.742), and specific knowledge of organization core competency had a mean of 5.21 (SD = 1.311). For hotel performance, non-financial performance had the highest mean of 5.95 (SD = 1.907). Next, financial performance equals 5.24 (SD = 1.401). 2) Hotel core competency had a positive influence on hotel performance, hotel core competency had an influence on non-financial performance, and hotel core competency can predict a non-financial performance with 83 percentage (R2 = 0.828), and hotel core competency had an influence on financial performance with a prediction of financial performance of 46 percentage (R2 = 0.467), and hotel core competency had an influence on non-financial performance than financial performance.
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