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This academic paper aims to present a model for managing public policy networks which is suitable for public administration. The public policy network has developed from the past to the present. Public Policy and Public Service Management present guidelines for the development of public sector networks and public administration or public policies of the public sector leading to efficient government services and in line with the needs of the people. It was found that Public Policy Network Management Model, Government must have policies that involve social networks in public policy or service by decentralizing or delegating power to the network and develop networks to have the potential and readiness to implement policies or public services. In addition, the government must also act as a mentor, advising the network in managing the network so that projects or activities can be carried out effectively to achieve the government's goals. For the development of public policy networks, the state should create incentives for networks that are not just monetary. The state must try to get the network to draw on the potential of the members or to find some budget money to operate itself, non-monetary network incentives such as awards, plaques and certificates to members and networks with outstanding project performance result and impact including sustainable.
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