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This article presents learning management approaches to enhance reading interpretation skills by utilizing the Schema theory and Intertextuality theory, which support teaching and learning for the development of reading skills. Schema theory represents a person's knowledge and experience as a network of interconnected concepts, and when learners encounter new information, they create new structures and meanings. Meanwhile, the intertextuality theory is a network of relationships between the text being read and other texts in social and cultural contexts. Learners can gain new meanings by considering the connections between the texts and linking them to cultural codes. Both theories, including their components such as codes, structure, interaction between the text and the reader, and interpretation of the content, can be effectively applied together in a learning management to interpret literature by teacher. The article proposes a foundational understanding of both theories and suggests teaching strategies that integrate the strengths of each theory. These teaching strategies help learners comprehend the texts by considering the relationship with other texts or the societal context, thereby revealing deeper and implicit meanings. Furthermore, learners can expand their knowledge from the reading material to a greater extent.
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