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The purposes of this research were to 1) create the in-service teacher professional development model based on Teacher Inquiry and Knowledge-Building Cycle and Explicit Reflective Approach to reinforce competences in organizing science experiences for preschoolers, and 2) examine the quality of the model. The research was carried out in 2 phases of research and development methodology which were phase 1: developing the initial model and phase 2: the pilot study. Participants were 5 experts and 9 preschool teachers of schools under the Private Education Commission. The data were analyzed by content validity with IOC, reliability, and descriptive analysis.
The research results found that: 1) The model consisted of 5 components: principles, objectives, content, process, and evaluation; the handbook of the model consisted of 3 parts: details of the model components, action plans, and model’s evaluation tools. And 2) the model was appropriate, feasible, and consistent with the needs of teachers in real context (IOC = 1.00) and the handbook was highly appropriate for implementation ( = 2.97).
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