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The objectives of this research were to 1) study the learning outcomes of Indonesian students through online courses by providing microcredit courses during the COVID-19 pandemic, and 2) study students' satisfaction with online teaching and learning to accumulate credits. The sample consisted of 385 Indonesian students who registered online to attend the microcredit courses at the Faculty of Physical Therapy at Mahidol University. The research instrument is online teaching method on the subject of the 2 credits: PTPT666 Evidence Based Practice for Physical Therapy and PTPT667 Advanced Motor Control and Motor Learning for Movement Therapy and instructional satisfaction questionnaires. Data analysis is based on descriptive statistics and reported by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The results of this research showed that; 1) Learning outcome results in accumulating credits in the PTPT666 Evidence Based Practice for Physical Therapy course. There is one student who has passed the criteria and is accumulating credits from 11 people and students who have passed the criteria and are accumulating credits for PTPT667 Advanced Motor Control and Motor Learning for Movement Therapy are 42 students.And 2) the satisfaction results for teaching and learning to accumulate credits showed that in terms of self-evaluation, students were most satisfied with the knowledge gained from the course content (mean = 4.40) and the applicable of the knowledge (mean = 4.40). In terms of overall instructor evaluation, students were most satisfied with the instructor's ability to cover the expected course contents exactly (mean = 4.50). In terms of the overall course evaluation, students were most satisfied with the relevant topics and course content (mean = 4.47). Finally, students were most satisfied in terms of overall course satisfaction (mean = 4.33).
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