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The objectives of this study were to 1) Compare the pretest scores and posttest scores’ s self-perception on higher order thinking skills of graduate students in distance learning system, 2) study the higher order thinking skills assessment by creating group work’s one page research design of graduate students in distance learning system, and 3) study the reflection of graduate students in distance learning system after studying with the interactive e-Learning environment model by using active learning. The sample group for the experiment is the 36 graduate students from Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. They are the volunteers who were registered in the first semester of the academic year 2021 and want to develop higher order thinking skills. The research tools consist of the assessment form on the self-perception on higher order thinking skills and the higher order thinking assessment form. Data analysis was done by percentages, means, standard deviation and t-test analysis.
The research found that: 1) The pretest scores of the sample group’s self-perception on higher order thinking skills was higher than the posttest scores of the sample group’s self-perception on higher order thinking skills with statistical significance at the level of 0.05. 2) The overall higher order thinking skills assessment of the sample group was at the highest level ( = 17.88). and 3) the results also showed that the sample group was satisfied to study with the interactive e-Learning environment model by using active learning because they have practiced the process of thinking in a step-by-step manner and systematically.
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