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The objectives of this research were to 1) compare levels of student-teacher's English proficiency in teaching between the components, 2) compare levels of student-teacher's English proficiency in teaching during the academic year, and 3) compare levels of student-teacher's English proficiency in teaching between the student-teacher's major. The sample group in this research were 731 middler, junior and senior year’s student-teachers from 8 major subjects in Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University. The research instrument was a self-efficacy test in English proficiency in teaching. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was applied for determining instrument quality. The whole paper copy presented at 0.976 confidence level. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation and profile analysis.
The results revealed that 1) self-efficacy in English Proficiency in teaching of student-teachers in all skills were at a moderate level. Consider each element, the use of language in communication, especially in reading self-efficacy was at the highest average of 2.12 and writing self-efficacy was at the lowest average of 1.59. The teaching management element, English proficiency in media showed the lowest mean of 1.40 and the highest mean of 2.34 in teaching. 2) There was no difference of their English proficiency level in teaching of student-teachers from each year of study. And
3) consider major subjects of the students, English major student-teachers have the highest average of their English proficiency in all elements of teaching and are distinctly different from other major subjects.
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