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This study aims to 1) translate and develop the Inner Strength Scale (ISS) questionnaire for Thai university students, 2) conduct a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and 3) examine Naresuan University students’ inner strength. After translating and adjusting the instrument, the ISS questionnaire, 973 students from Naresuan University participated in the test using the voluntary sampling method. The statistical analysis used in this study included frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, pearson’s product correlation coefficient and second order confirmatory factor analysis.
This study aims to 1) translate and develop the Inner Strength Scale (ISS) questionnaire for Thai university students, 2) conduct a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and 3) examine Naresuan University students’ inner strength. After translating and adjusting the instrument, the ISS questionnaire, 973 students from Naresuan University participated in the test using the voluntary sampling method. The statistical analysis used in this study included frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, pearson’s product correlation coefficient and second order confirmatory factor analysis.
The research results were as follows 1) The corrected item-total correlation of the questionnaire was all range between 0.401 – 0.692, while Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.926. 2) The CFA indicates that the inner strength questionnaire has an acceptable fit with the structural model (2= 900.33, df = 166, GFI = 0.92, CFI = 0.98, RMSEA = 0.067). And 3) finally, the translated ISS questionnaire developed in this study can be used in Thai university students and an overall inner strength score of Naresuan university students exhibited a fairly high level (
= 4.35, SD= 0.731).
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