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The purpose of this research was 1) to study the satisfaction of administrators and teachers towards the scientific competency-based assessment system utilizing an electronic portfolio of grade sixth students and 2) to study the students' attitude towards the scientific competency-based assessment system utilizing an electronic portfolio of grade sixth students. This research was a part of the research project on the development of scientific competency-based assessment and evaluation in the digital era. The target group included 6 administrators, 6 teachers, and 37 students from three types of schools (Bangkok, OPEC and MHESI) that the research team selected by purposeful sampling. The quality of performance was assessed using the satisfaction of the system scale, which had 5 aspects, (α = .87) for administrators and teachers. The effectiveness was assessed using the students’ attitude scale towards the system (α = .89). Both scales were Likert-type scale. After that the research team did in-depth interviews using a semi-structured interview form from the target group who voluntarily provided information.
The results showed that 1) the overall satisfaction of administrators and teachers towards the assessment system was at very good levels in all aspects ( =4.28, SD=0.53). Considering each aspect, it was found that the average score given by the administrators was statistically non-significantly higher than the average score given by the teachers at the .05 level, which was agreeable with the administrators and teachers’ interview results. 2) The students' attitude towards the assessment system was at the highest level (
=4.32, SD=0.9).
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