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Wichian Chanthanet


In this situation, today's businesses need to seek flexible methods and high social capital to survive and grow during change. This article aims to identify the characteristics of organizational social capital: structural, relational, and cognitive dimensions via using a literature review method. The contents include the background, definition, and model with the construct validity of some researchers' findings are in 2020. It confirmed the importance of organizational social capital to the fundamental principle in determining the creation the administrative innovation and strategic management by creating a network of relationships as a channel to flow information works and was a social force that creates unity. The cooperation on normative has the potential to adapt, help, and trust. As well as cognizant of missions, goals, and building of knowledge with a learning plan for systematic sharing. All of these contributing factors to the enhancement of values and unity action. Moreover, it can be used to effective organizational management tool in the new normal era. This will be reached to contribute to the development of a sustainable economy as well.

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