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The purpose of this research is to synthesize and assess the adaptive computer assisted instruction model and knowledge management to develop the competency of E-learning content designers for preparing E-learning designers for the career competency test. The focus group was conducted with 5 experts in the field of course design, E-learning management and knowledge management. Other research tools included the research framework and questionnaire to evaluate the quality of the synthesized model. The results of the synthesized model from the assessment of focus group and the questionnaires revealed that the adaptive computer assisted instruction model and knowledge management to develop the competency of E-learning content designers. The synthesized model contains 3 stages, i.e. 1) training preparation, 2) test and training, and 3) evaluation of the training. The synthesized model consists of 5 modules: 1) competencies of learner’s module, 2) pretest module, 3) adaptive learning module, 4) knowledge management module, and 5) assessment module. Summary of the synthesized modules have been assessed with a good average ( = 4.08, S.D. = 0.44). Also, the overall of the synthesized model is appropriate and the model is suitable to be implemented in the real situation (
= 4.20, S.D. = 0.45).
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