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Podjamal Sakolkear
Paitoon Sinlarat
Sasitorn Suwannathep


The purposes of this study were to evaluate  the  effective  an  instructional model to enhance students’ Characters of Productivity by Characters of Productivity and student’ attitude by post-learning instructional models to enhance student’ Characters of Productivity. The subjects consisted of 60 students. They were registered in Phychology Positive for quality of life subject. The sample was select ed by Cluster Random Sampling method, where the experimental. Design has 4 steps:  1) Study fundamental data Textbook and the research concept. 2) To design and develop. 3) Experiment instructional models to enhance student’ Characters of Productivity. 4) Evaluate and improve instructional models to enhance student’ Characters of Productivity.

The results were as follow:

1.The model which develop called PAC Models (P = Productivity-Based Instructional Model A = Authentic-Based Instructional Model C = Crystal-Based Instructional Model) to enhance student’ Characters of Productivity consisted of 5 steps:  1) Principle of instructional models. 2) The purposes of instructional models. 3) The step of instructional models.       4) The lessons. 5) The evaluation and instructional models consisted of 6 steps: 1) Reviewing background knowledge. 2) Searching for new knowledge. 3) Intregrating ideas. 4) Solving problems. 5) Discussing on performance.  6) Evaluating.

2.The student’ Characters of Productivity post-learning were significantly higher than their pre-learning counterparts at the .05 level.

3. The student’ Attitude toward PAC-Models to enhancing student’ Characters of Productivity in the medium level.

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Research Article


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