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ศรัณยา ฤกษ์ขำ


       This study examined (1) the level of job satisfaction, (2) the level of teacher commitment, and (3) the impact of job satisfaction on teacher commitment among teachers working in the compulsory education system. Data were collected from 164 teachers by implementing the convenience sampling method.Developed questionnaires were used to collect data. Statistical techniques consisted of mean, standard deviation, and simple regression analysis. Results revealed the average score of the job satisfaction level is 4.27 and the standard deviation is 0.69, and the average score of the teacher commitment level is 4.51 and the standard deviation is 0.63.These average scores can be classified as the high and highest levels, respectively. Additionally, the job satisfaction variable can explain the variation in teacher commitment variable at 59.4% which means the schools can increase the level of teacher commitment by increasing the job satisfaction level of teachers. Therefore, a school should pay attention to the management practices within a school to increase the job satisfaction level of teachers.

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