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ภิศักดิ์ กัลยาณมิตร
เอก ศรีเชลียง
ดรุณศักดิ์ ตติยะลาภะ
ไททัศน์ มาลา


          The objectives of this article were (1) to inquire problems in service system of Local Administrative Organizations in Pathumtani Province, (2) to find guidelines for the improvement of service system of Local Administrative Organizations in Pathumtani Province. The data were collected by lecturing, conducting a workshop for the 73 officers from Local Administrative Organizations, and focus group interviewing with the 73 officers from Local Administrative Organizations. The data were then analyzed by brainstorming, categorization, interpretation, and analyzed by qualitative research methodology.

          Problems related to service delivery of Local Administrative Organizations were (1) readiness of officers who were in charge of service delivery was still insufficient to impress their people, (2) there were misunderstanding in communications between officers and their people such as incomplete information, complexity of procedures, and insufficient officers, and (3) the people’s incomplete documents or people’s misunderstanding on some kind of fee should be remedies by the guidelines for improving service system of Local Administrative Organizations, they are (1) the enhancement of the Local Administrative Organizations’ staff’s capacities in order to be professional service providers. This can be acquired by training on rules related to service delivery and building the clear standards of operation for the staff, (2) finding more communication channels through which the people can access information fairly, and the Local Administrative Organizations must organize activities that can spread knowledge on laws for daily life and write service acquire manual for the people, and (3) organize a one-stop service in order to improve managerial efficiency and strengthen relationship between people and Local Administrative Organizations.

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