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มลิวัลย์ ธรรมแสง
ชนิดา มิตรานันท์


           The objectives of this research were to study the quality of life of children with cochlear implants and to compare the quality of life of the children who received cochlear implants at different ages in according to the perspectives and experiences of their parents. The target group of this study were 72 parents of children with cochlear implantation from Cochlear Implant Community of Thailand. The data were collected from parents of these children by using a questionnaire. The quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics includes frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis.

            The result of research revealed that:

  1. The total score as well as the score from each aspect of quality of life of children with cochlear implants from the perspectives and experiences of their parents were found at high level.

  2. There was a difference on the quality of life of children who received cochlear implants at different ages. Children who received cochlear implants at the age of between 1 to 5.6 years old have higher overall quality of life after cochlear implants than children who received cochlear implants at the age between 5.7 to 10.6 years old and children who received cochlear implants at the age more than 10.7 years old respectively.

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