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The purpose of this research were to 1) to produce rod puppet the tales rod puppet production by local material for ASEAN story telling in Buen Bon community,     2) To find out the efficiency of organizing ASEAN storytelling activities using puppetry using 80/80 local materials, 3) to compare the basic knowledge of early childhood in ASEAN during and after the ASEAN storytelling, and 4) to study puppet preference using local materials for early childhood storytelling in ASEAN. The samples used in this study were Pre-school boys and girls aged 5-6 from Watphuangkaew School, Bueng Bon District, and Nong Suea in Pathumthani. District 23 people  simple random selection by lottery. The instruments used in this study were the 20 ASEAN Basics Pre-and Post-Test Test and 10 ASEAN Tales. Organize activities with the sample once a week for 1 story, 15 minutes for 10 consecutive times. Each time between There are 5 basic tests on the ASEAN Basics of Early Childhood Education. In this study, One-Group Pretest-Posttest design was used and data were analyzed using t-test, Dependent Samples.

The result showed that 1) Puppet production using local materials for ASEAN storytelling. Puppets from 41 local materials. The consistency (IOC) of the puppets produced by the researcher on puppet traits for preschool children.  All puppies have an IOC value of between 0.67 and 1.00, which is in line with the criteria.  2) Analysis of the efficiency of ASEAN fairy tales and puppets using local materials.  ASEAN Story Finding ASEAN and puppet tales using local materials for  ASEAN storytelling. The efficiency (E1/E2) is 82.70/83.70, which is in line with the criteria. 3) Basic Knowledge of Early Childhood Awareness with Puppets Using Local Material for ASEAN Storytelling Higher than before the experiment at the 0.05 level of significance. 4) Early childhood satisfaction of puppet production using local materials for ASEAN storytelling developed by the researcher an average of 82.62 was satisfied at a high level. Than before using activities.

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