Nanyin Songs for Children in China

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Lyu Shaofeng
Chutasiri Yodwised
Yongsit Yongkamol


          Nanyin originated in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, and its history can be traced back to the Jin and Tang Dynasties (3rd-10th century AD). Nanyin is a kind of music that has preserved a lot of information about ancient China music culture. It is known as "the living fossil in the history of China music" and "the root of China folk music", and it is also known as the world intangible cultural heritage, also known as "string tube" and "southern tube", Fujian Nanyin and Quanzhou Nanyin. The characteristics of ancient Nanyin research before 1840, along with the research on the formation and development of Nanyin art, formed the track of Nanyin from scratch, from simplicity to complexity, from less to more. The study of Nanyin from 1840 to 1949 introduced new ideas from western musicology introduced into China, which promoted new exploration and thus entered the modern stage. This article presented Nanyin songs for children in China.

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