Development Study of Chaozhou Gongfu Tea Culture Study Tourism Based on the SWOT-QSPM Model

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Lei Qiao
Jirawat Vongphantuset
Veerawat Sirivesmas


          Tourism plays a vital role in today’s economy. Chaozhou has good tea culture tourism resources, and its characteristic Gongfu tea culture has the potential to develop study tourism. The purpose of this study is to provide strategic tourism industry development assessment and optimization strategies in order to promote the high-quality and sustainable development of Chaozhou Gongfu Tea Culture Study Tourism. This paper uses the SWOT-QSPM model and takes the development of Chaozhou Gongfu Tea Culture Study Tourism as a research case to analyze the opportunities and challenges faced by the development of Gongfu Tea Culture Tourism. The study used two techniques namely: Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) to determine the necessary guidelines for tourism development in the city. The study first used SWOT to classify the different factors, QSPM is then used to prioritize various factors. The study found that the strategic choice for the development of Chaozhou Gongfu Tea Culture Study Tourism should be based on SO strategy, supplemented by the combination of ST strategy and WO strategy, and supplemented by WT strategy. Specific measures are: enhance the core competitiveness of Chaozhou Gongfu Tea Culture Study Tourism, implement new development concepts, and the successful application of tea culture as an intangible cultural heritage is an important strategic opportunity for Chaozhou Gongfu Tea Culture to comprehensively revitalize Chinese traditional tea culture; regain Chaozhou Gongfu Tea Characteristic cultural memory, create a Gongfu Tea culture study tourism brand with “Chaozhou impression”; improve Chaozhou’s public cultural service system, and achieve brand promotion and sustainable development of Chaozhou Gongfu Tea study tourism.

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