Overview of Single-Dimensional Physical Fitness Research in Tennis Players

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Wang Zihao
Li Simin


          Tennis is a complex sport that requires the synthesis of various physical fitness components, and understanding the individual effects of each fitness dimension can provide valuable insight into the development of targeted training programs to improve specific aspects of player performance. Based on this exclude and include this article USES the literature method and data analysis method, from the strength, speed, agility, and endurance of tennis player four aspects has carried on the comprehensive study of unidimensional physical elements were reviewed. This article reviews the separation of each dimension, in order to understand the specific impact of the tennis achievement and training. The unidimensional physical fitness components of tennis, strength, speed, agility, and endurance, were found to contribute uniquely to overall performance. Each dimension plays a unique role in improving specific aspects of a player's ability, and targeted training based on unidimensional fitness components can improve the overall performance of a tennis player.

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