The Development of Training Curriculum for Enhancing Leadership of Standardized Training Resident Physicians in Guangxi Province, People’s Republic of China

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Xiang Yonghong
Ketsuda Buranaphansak
Nawamin Prachanant


            Leadership is a core competency in the roles and responsibilities of physicians. Physician leadership is essential for the advancement of global medicine. Research on leadership among Chinese resident physicians is still in its early stages, and the overall level of leadership among Chinese physicians is not high, Chinese physician leadership faces challenges. There has been a lack of corresponding research and a universally accepted curriculum system in the past, which is a critical and core issue that needs to be addressed to enhance the leadership of resident physicians.
           The objective of this research was to improve the leadership knowledge level of standardized training resident physicians in Guangxi Province through the implementation of the developed leadership training curriculum. The survey sample consisted of 336 Standardized Training Resident Physicians from six hospitals. The implementation sample consisted of 30 standardized training resident physicians, selected through purposive sampling. Research tools included literature content analysis, questionnaires, pre-tests and post-tests, expert evaluation forms, and satisfaction surveys. Quantitative data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis.
          The results indicated that the overall leadership level of standardized training resident physicians in Guangxi Province, People’s Republic of China, was at a moderate level. The training curriculum to enhance the leadership of standardized training resident physicians in Guangxi Province was developed and designed, including two modules: Communication and cooperation ability, and management ability. Leadership knowledge and ability levels were assessed by post-training and showed a significant increase compared to pre-training, with statistically significant differences at .01 level. The overall satisfaction survey for the leadership training curriculum was at the highest level. Five experts evaluated the training curriculum, with results showing the highest levels of utility, feasibility, and propriety, and a relatively high level of accuracy, with the highest average for feasibility.
         Conclusion: At present, the overall leadership level of standardized training residents physicians in Guangxi is at a moderate level, and the main shortcoming lies in the low level of communication and cooperation ability and management ability; Designed and developed leadership training curriculum in Guangxi Province, China, with strong utility, feasibility and propriety;The leadership training curriculum has the highest overall satisfaction; 5 Experts generally believe that the training curriculum is highly utility, feasibility, propriety and accuracy, and can be used and further promoted.

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How to Cite
Yonghong , X. ., Buranaphansak , . K. ., & Prachanant, N. . (2024). The Development of Training Curriculum for Enhancing Leadership of Standardized Training Resident Physicians in Guangxi Province, People’s Republic of China. Journal of Roi Kaensarn Academi, 9(7), 1316–1330. สืบค้น จาก


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