The Development of Strategic Leadership Model for Public Kindergarten Administrators in Nanning City of Guangxi Province in People's Republic of China

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Cao Shiyan
Somsak Jeewattana
Nawamin Prachanant


          The purpose of this research were:1) To analyze the components of strategic leadership of public kindergarten administrators in Nanning City; 2) To formulate a strategic leadership model for public kindergarten administrators in Nanning City; 3) To evaluate the strategic leadership model of public kindergarten administrators in Nanning City. The research is divided into three stages: The first stage: analyzing of strategic leadership factors of public kindergarten administrators in Nanning City. The sample group was 367 administrators and teachers which are  from 40 public kindergartens in Nanning City. The tool was a 5-level scale questionnaire with a reliability of 0.982. Statistics used for data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, and standard. The second stage: Creation of the strategic leadership model for public kindergarten administrators in Nanning City. The first part is through semi-structured interviews with administrators of three model kindergartens, and the data is analyzed through content analysis; the second part is a focus group discussion to create the model, which is recorded in the form of records by 7 discussion of the experts. The third stage: Evaluating the strategic leadership model of public kindergarten administrators in Nanning City. Five experts and 30 kindergarten administrators assessed the accuracy、appropriateness、feasibility and practicality of the model and manual. The research results were:
          1. The overall average value of the strategic leadership components and the average value of all aspects of public kindergarten administrators in Nanning City were at a high level.
          2. Five aspects of the strategic leadership model for public kindergarten administrators in Nanning City including:1) formulating a vision; 2) managing resources; 3) formulating development strategies; 4) controlling balanced development; 5) promoting sustainable development.
          3. The strategic leadership model and manual for public kindergarten administrators in Nanning City were evaluated by experts and administrators. The accuracy 、adequacy、feasibility and practicality of the model and manual were at the highest level.

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