Reshaping the Art Ecosystem: A Case Study on Art Space Emergence in Bangkok

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Ark Fongsmut


          This academic article has reflected the observation on the alluring topic of the Art Ecosystem in Thai Contemporary Art scene since the COVID-19 outbreak. The topic was publicly stated in Bangkok Art Biennale 2020 (BAB 2020) Symposium resulting in awakening many nonprofit and profit sectors to take responsibility without thoroughly identifying what is the art ecosystem, who is in and how it affects the individuals. Moreover, there is the drastic emergence of art spaces and art activities in Thailand which many people assume as the growth in the art market. However, this could also be considered as fluctuations of growth if the art activities are initiated from commercial spaces rather than nonprofit spaces. Therefore, this article aims to study on the background of the art ecosystem and to study on how to sustain at the equilibrium which will enhance the healthy condition of the art ecosystem especially in Bangkok. Through texts review, interview and observation, this paper advocates for pioneering model of ‘SMSs’ or Small and Medium Art Spaces for all individuals in the art ecosystem.

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