Analysis on The Current Situation and Influencing Factors of Career Adaptability of Applied Undergraduates

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Lu Yi
Yang Binfeng


          Research objectives:Investigate the current status of college students' career adaptability and its influencing factors, help college students establish a positive attitude, enable them to calmly cope with career development, increase their attention to career, and improve college students' cognitive level of themselves and the environment in order to control Career development. Research tools:This study used the Variable Career Orientation Scale and the Career Adaptability Scale for investigation. Data analysis:SPSS 27.0 statistical software for statistical analysis of the data. The measurement data used "mean ± standard deviation", and the    component comparison used the independent sample T test and ANOVA single factor.Analysis of variance, explored using Pearson correlation analysis. Research results: The study found that the overall situation of college students' career adaptability is good, and college students of different grades have significant differences in career adaptability; variable career orientation is positively correlated with career adaptability.

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