Model of Core Competencies of University Administrators Guangxi Province, People's Republic of China

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Huang Shilian
Somsak Jiwattana
Nawamin Prachanant


          Background: In the context of the knowledge economy era, higher education is an important base for cultivating high-quality talents. The management level of university managers directly affects the quality of education and school development. At the same time, with the rapid development of China's higher education and the deepening of education reform, the role of university managers has become particularly critical. They must not only lead schools to adapt to the new requirements of education reform, but also serve the national development strategy and cultivate outstanding talents with innovative spirit and practical ability for society. Guangxi Province, as an important province in southwest China, has a higher education development level that is directly related to the economic revitalization and social progress of the entire region. However, the current university managers in Guangxi Province face many challenges in terms of knowledge updating, management innovation and leadership. Therefore, studying and constructing a core competency model for university managers that conforms to the actual situation in Guangxi Province has important theoretical and practical significance for improving the quality of university management and promoting education reform. This study aims to explore the core competencies that university managers in Guangxi Province should possess through systematic empirical research, and provide a scientific basis for the selection, training and career development of university managers.
          Aims: The main objectives of this study are three: First, to systematically study the main competency composition of university administrators in Guangxi Province and clarify the core competencies they should have in the current context of education reform; second, based on the research results, a core competency model suitable for university administrators in Guangxi Province is developed to provide a reference for the selection, training and career development of university administrators; finally, the developed core competency model is evaluated to ensure its scientificity, practicality and effectiveness, and to provide a reference for university management in Guangxi Province and other parts of China.
        Methodology: This study adopts a mixed research method, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. In the first stage, the research framework was determined through literature review and expert consultation, and a questionnaire survey was designed to collect core competency data of college administrators in Guangxi Province. In the second stage, a semi-structured interview method was used to conduct in-depth interviews with some college administrators to obtain richer qualitative information. In the third stage, based on the research results of the first two stages, a core competency model of college administrators in Guangxi Province was developed, and experts and practitioners were organized to evaluate the model. Descriptive statistical analysis, content analysis and other methods were used in the study to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the research results.
          Results: The research results show that the core competencies of college administrators in Guangxi Province in terms of knowledge, ability and attitude are generally at a high level. In particular, they are outstanding in terms of subject expertise and management knowledge, while educational knowledge and strategic planning ability need to be further improved. The core competency model of college administrators in Guangxi Province developed has been highly evaluated by experts and practitioners, who believe that the model has reached high standards in terms of accuracy, suitability, feasibility and practicality. In addition, through the evaluation of the model, the applicability and effectiveness of the model in 9 demonstration schools in Guangxi Province were confirmed.

ConclusionThis study successfully constructed a core competency model of college administrators in Guangxi Province, and verified its scientificity and practicality through the evaluation of experts and practitioners. The model not only provides an important reference for the selection, training and career development of university managers in Guangxi Province, but also provides a reference for the cultivation and improvement of the core capabilities of university managers in other regions. The study also pointed out that university managers should continue to strengthen the improvement of educational knowledge and strategic planning capabilities to better adapt to the requirements of educational reform and promote the sustainable development of universities and social progress.

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