A Brief Analysis of Legal Issues Regarding Forestry Carbon Sequestration Rights in China

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Guanghua Du
Xiaowei Hu


          In recent years, global climate change has attracted people's attention to carbon sinks. As the world's largest developing country, China has abundant forestry carbon sink resources, which is of great significance to global carbon balance. However, the legal issues of China's forestry carbon sink rights have not received sufficient attention, which not only affects the rational utilization of carbon sink resources, but also restricts China's development in the global carbon market. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the legal issues of China's forestry carbon sequestration rights and provide legal support for China to play a better role in the global carbon market; at the same time, it also explores the legal issues of China's forestry carbon sequestration rights, so as to provide reasonable management and global Provide legal support for carbon emission reduction undertakings.

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