The Evolution and Impact of Chinese Photographic Works in the World Press Photo Competition

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Honglin Ji
Akapong Inkuer


        The World Press Photography Competition is the most representative and authoritative news photography competition, attracting thousands of photographers to participate every year. Since China participated in the 31st Competition for the first time in 1988, its works have gradually gained attention and recognition around the world. So far, more than 50 groups of works have won awards. Based on the award distribution and theme of the competition, we can comprehensively and systematically study the winning works, especially the winning works of Chinese photographers, which can have a clearer understanding of the development and change trend of Chinese news photography from a worldwide perspective. As the most famous photography competition in the world, the community pays more and more attention to the competition. The study of Chinese works in the World Press Photo Competition not only provides us with the latest criteria for judging news photography works, but also provides the creative direction for photography creators. At the same time, with the emergence of new ideas of news photography creation in the Internet era, it is different from the traditional news photography in the traditional sense. In the final analysis, due to the updated iteration of ideas and technologies, the communication media has become rich and challenging.

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