Comparative Cultural Analysis and Modern Reflections on Chinese Dragon Dance

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Yanran Liang
Watanapun Krutasaen


          Developed as a customary ritual ceremony, yet today it is believed to be an integral part of both Chinese folk art and culture. Against this background, it is important to consider how the years have treated Chinese dragon dances in terms of modern stylistic application. Specifically, it classifies systematically the diversities of kinds of dragons in terms of archive records, designs, and analysis of cultural significance. 10 cultural experts were also invited to carry out semi-structured interviews in which more light would be shed on the relevance of this dance today in giving recommendations on how to sustain it in light of this intangible heritage.
          These findings disclosed 5 different classifications of dragons based on their ritual purpose. A further fact agreed upon is that they have come to transcend the traditional boundaries due to such modern adaptations as augmented reality technology, which further retains its symbolic potency at home in young, diverse sensibilities. Yet, there certainly exists an urgency for their preservation in the face of a declining tradition, making youth education on cultural values paramount.
          In sum, the Chinese dragon dances encapsulate a deep cultural past imbued by an innovative present; traditional modernity supports their dynamism for cross-generation transmission of ethnic pride in China and globally among diasporic countries. This research will offer an analytical frame to understand the duality and importance of safeguarding this dragon dance heritage through strategic adaptations and youth involvement.

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