The Local Strategies for Guangzhou Vernacular Housing: A Case Study of Guangfu

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Yukang Yuan
Akapong Inkuer


          The research goals of this article are to understand villagers and tourists’ evaluations of traditional residences and self-built houses, as well as their preferences for new residences; to explore regional residence design strategies that adapt to Guangzhou’s climate and cultural characteristics; to design economic and residential buildings with Guangzhou’s regional characteristics. Beautiful new residential scheme. The study conducted random surveys among 250 local villagers and 200 foreign tourists in 10 villages, for a total of 450 people. Research tools include questionnaires, pens, notebooks, cameras, voice recorders, etc. The survey results show that traditional dwellings play an important role in the hearts of villagers and tourists, and villagers and tourists pay great attention to traditional villages and residential spaces. Therefore, this article proposes "reasonable layout and orientation, create a comfortable environment, continue the traditional spatial form, build the spirit of the place, continue the traditional spatial scale, meet the needs of modern life, innovate the architectural appearance form, inherit the cultural spirit, adapt to the climate characteristics of Guangzhou, be green and energy-saving, increase revenue and reduce expenditure , energy conservation and environmental protection, focusing on the economic cost of the entire construction process, and meeting the requirements of ordinary villagers." Seven strategies for new residential design.

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