The Management of Enhancing the Modern Tea Tourism Experience in Chinese Characteristic Towns: A Case Study in Gianxin town

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Yan Liu
Arphaporn Jongwiriyajaroenchai


          The objectives of this research were to study (1) the factors of happiness, relaxation, entertainment, and cultural experiences, through a tea tourism to customer retention; (2) the factors of happiness, relaxation, entertainment, and cultural experiences, through value perception to customer retention, and (3) to develop the customer retention. The research instrument is a mixed method, collected data from a sample of 400 tourists visiting the town of Qianxin. Based on reviewing and commenting on the relevant theories in the existing literature and combining the contents of in-depth interviews, this study revises the model of tea tourism experience in a Chinese specialty town and proposes a model of the mechanism of the influence of tea tourism and value perception on customer retention rate. At the same time, a questionnaire survey was taken for data collection, and empirical tests were carried out using SPSS and AMOS tools.
          The results of research found that:    (1) the factors of happiness, relaxation, entertainment, and cultural experiences, through a tea tourism to customer retention by mediation effect on .215, .118, .146, and .108 respectively; (2) the factors of happiness, relaxation, entertainment, and cultural experiences, through value perception to customer retention by mediation effect on .128, .170, .111, and .116 respectively; and (3) The modern tea tourism experience scale was revised to improve the factors influencing the customer retention rate. The measurement scales of happiness, relaxation, entertainment, and cultural experience were finally determined to verify the influence of the above factors on customer retention rates, and the partial mediating role played in the relationship between tea tourism and customer retention rate was verified, and validated the partial mediating role played by value perception in the relationship with customer retention rate.

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