The Influencing Factors of Private University Branding on Faculty members’ Job Satisfaction at Jiangxi Province of China

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Qiaoling Lai
Kittiampol Sudprasert


          The objectives of this research were to study (1) private university branding factors through a win-win labour relations climate to faculty members' job satisfaction; (2) private university branding factors through a transactional psychological contract to faculty members' job satisfaction; and (3) to develop the faculty members' job satisfaction in Jiangxi, China. The research instrument is a mixed method, collected data from a sample of private university staff in Jiangxi Province who are teachers 457 people. Based on the review and evaluation of relevant theories in the existing literature and in-depth interviews, this study revises the model of branding in private universities and proposes a model of the influence mechanism of university branding on job satisfaction. At the same time, data collection was carried out through a questionnaire survey, and empirical tests were conducted using SPSS and AMOS tools.
          The results of research found that:    (1) private university branding factors by brand diagnosis, positioning, impression, and management through a win-win labour relations climate to faculty members' job satisfaction by mediation effect on .03, .07, .06, and .05 respectively; (2) private university branding factors by brand diagnosis, positioning, impression, and management through a transactional psychological contract to faculty members' job satisfaction by mediation effect on .05, .08, .07, and .06 respectively, and (3) The college brand scale was revised to improve the factors influencing teachers' satisfaction. The measurement scale of university brand (diagnosis, positioning, impression, and management) was finalized to verify the above factors on teachers' satisfaction, and validate the partial mediating role of labour relations climate in the relationship between college brand and job satisfaction, and validate the partial mediating role played by psychological contract in the relationship between university brand and job satisfaction.

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