The Development of Knowledge Management Model in Department of skill Development in Establishment , Eastern Economic Corridor Chon Buri Province
Knowledge Management, Skilled Labor development, Eastern Economic CorridorAbstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the conditions of knowledge management and to develop a knowledge management model of the Department of Skill evelopment in the Eastern Special Development Zone in Chonburi province. The main group of 15 informants were in phase one of the research, with key informants from the Department of Skill Development. The second phase of the research collected data through the confirmation of the knowledge management model by experts in knowledge management and related people. A total of seven people were selected in a specific way. The research instrument used was an unstructured in-depth interview and an evaluation form to confirm the model. The data was analyzed using content analysis. The results of the investigation revealed the following: (1) the status of knowledge management in the Department of Skill Development, in four areas: (1) Organizational Policy: the Department of Skill Development had a clear policy and vision in dealing with skill development at all levels; (2) regarding the work processes (3) Personnel in knowledge management 4) tools and facilities 2. The Knowledge Management model of the Department of Skill Development has been divided into two parts: Part 1, Organization and Resources, consisted of the following: (1) organizational policy; (2) knowledge management personnel; and (3) tools and facilities; and Part 2, the Knowledge Management Process consisted of the following: (1) Knowledge Identification; (2) Knowledge Creation and Search; (3) Knowledge Storage; (4) Knowledge Sharing; and (5) Knowledge Application
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