A A Cloze Test, Readability Indexes, and Developing a Cloze Test for Matthayomsuksa 6 Students
Keyword: Cloze Tests, Readability Indexes, The Midterm Exam of E33201 (Reading and Writing English 5)Abstract
The purpose of the study was to analyze the 4 rational cloze tests which the 201 high-school Matthayomsuksa VI students had below 30% and failed the midterm exam of E33201 (Reading and Writing English 5) through readability indexes. 228 subjects were divided into the 27 students who had test scores above 30% and the 201 students who had test scores below 30% based on cloze test scores on the 4 parts of the exam. These subjects were tested and their cloze test scores in 4 parts of the 27 students, the 201 students, and all 228 students were analyzed by means of frequency, percentage, mean, Gunning-Fog Score, and a variety of readability scores. Results indicated that to accept the hypothesis, one reason for the readability level could cause 201 students fail the exam when high different percentages of the students’ test scores in rational cloze tests were calculated by one readability index alone or a variety of readability indexes together. The hypothesis was not confirmed when the percentages of the students’ cloze test scores were not different much no matter how scores one readability index alone was or a variety of readability indexes together were because some rankings of the readability scores were the same.
Keyword: Cloze Tests, Readability Indexes, The Midterm Exam of E33201 (Reading and Writing English 5)
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