
  • Piyanart Piyasatit Panyapiwat Institute of Management


Needs, Person, Chinese, Thai Labor Market, Online Information


The objectives of this research are to analyze the basic qualifications of job applicants who are proficient in Chinese in Thai labor market; to analyze the needs of persons who are proficient in Chinese in Thai labor market by classifying them into industry groups, functional areas and scope of duties of job applicants; to guide the design of curriculum, teaching and learning in subjects related to business Chinese. This research’s study is based on the information of persons with Chinese proficiency recruitment through 5 popular online job information in Thailand, totaling 519 announcements, uses the checklist tool and analyzes the data by using SPSS Statistics program. The results of the research showed that job applicants who had Thai citizenship, aged between 21 and 31, earned bachelor’s degree, and had no working experience were the most in-demand qualifications for the recruitment in the Thai labor market. The service business and industrial products business had the highest demand for the persons with Chinese proficiency, especially the interpreters/translators, administrators/ coordinators, and sales. Although the scope of duties of personnel in each line of work is different, coordinating, preparing documents, and translating documents are all considerable functions in each profession. In the aspect of language skills, each profession may have the most emphasis on one skill, nevertheless, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are essential skills for communication. Moreover, the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK Level 5), the abilities of media, technology and basic computer programs are capabilities that candidates should have in order to be ready for work in the 21st century. Therefore, the guidelines for the subjects related to business Chinese should be concerned curriculum development, instructional design and emphasis on skills during learning of the Chinese learners, to modernize and in accordance with the needs of the Thai labor market.


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