Exploring Disorienting Dilemmas: A Qualitative Exploration of Transformative Learning of Midwifery Students
Transformative learning, disorienting dilemmas, nursing education, midwifery practicumAbstract
This qualitative descriptive study aims to explore the experiences of nursing students who encounter disorienting dilemmas during their clinical practicums in maternal and midwifery nursing courses. The sample included nursing students currently pursuing their undergraduate degrees and those who graduated no more than one year prior. The selection of informants was purposive, with criteria including students who have during and recently completed practicum in maternal and midwifery nursing courses and are willing to participate in in-depth interviews. The study was conducted at nursing education institution in Bangkok, with data collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed using content analysis. The trustworthiness of the research process was maintained according to Lincoln and Guba's criteria. The research findings reveal that experiences related to confronting challenges in maternal and obstetric nursing practice can be categorized into four main groups: 1) difficulties in communication, 2) respect for differing beliefs, 3) dealing with client dissatisfaction, and 4) new experiences. Additionally, the organization of learning and problem-solving is identified in four key areas: 1) dealing with situations lacking experience, 2) managing client dissatisfaction, 3) facing high-pressure situations, and 4) addressing conflicting beliefs. Recommendation: It is recommended that nursing students be adequately prepared before their clinical practicums, particularly in communication and managing disorienting dilemmas. Educational institutions should organize activities for nursing students to share experiences to foster mutual understanding and learning. Enhancing stress management skills and self-care among students during their practicums is essential for effectively handling challenging situations.
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