The Effect of Enhancing Health Literacy and Sufficient Health Behavior among Risk Groups with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)


  • Ungsinun Intarakamhang Associate Professor at Behavioral Science Research Institute, Srinakharinwirot Universit
  • Khwanying Sriprasertpap Associate Professor at Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Araya Chiangkhong Assistant Professor at Kuakarun Faculty of Nursing, Navamindradhiraj University
  • Niwat Srisawasdi Assistant Professor Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University
  • Piya Boocha Lecturer at Innovative Learning Center, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Supitcha Wongchan Specialist public health academic at the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health


Health literacy, health behavior, sufficient health, non-communicable diseases


This study aimed to survey and investigate the effects of health literacy (HL) and sufficient health behavior (SHB) in risk groups with non-communicable diseases (NCDs. The multi-methods was designed between July – December 2021 for surveying the level of HL and SHB using a rating scale questionnaire with total -item correlation coefficient between 0.20 to 0.86, and to implement the a toolkit of online learning via Zoom which led by health personnel and researchers and evaluate the preliminary results. Data were analyzed using a Paired t-test. The results showed that the majority of participants had HL in high, fair, and low level at 65.15, 31.24 and 3.61% respectively, and their SHB levels were high, fair, and low practical level at 45.68, 45.21 and 9.11% respectively. The total participants had significantly higher mean scores on HL and SHB (p < .05) than before the participating period. The leading health personnel provided to restructure the content of activities to be clearly divided into 3 skills: promoting HL skills; Health behavior modification skills and health communication skills. Therefore, these activities have an impact on risk groups for NCDs and can promote better HL for NCDs risk group.


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How to Cite

Intarakamhang, U., Sriprasertpap, K., Chiangkhong, A. ., Srisawasdi, N. ., Boocha, P. ., & Wongchan, S. (2024). The Effect of Enhancing Health Literacy and Sufficient Health Behavior among Risk Groups with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Journal of Behavioral Science for Development, 16(2), 55–73. retrieved from