Main Article Content
This study aimed to analyze and compare the move structures and
linguistic features of natural and man-made tourism discourses in Lijiang,
Yunnan Province, China PR. Sixty-three tourist attraction promotional texts that
included 25 natural attraction texts and 38 man-made attractions texts were
selected from the top 5 tourism websites in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China PR.
The move-step frameworks proposed by Swales (1990), Bhatia (2008), Xianqing
(2013), and Liying (2016) were applied for analyzing the move structures and
linguistic features of the tourist attraction promotional texts. The result reveals
that the move structure of tourist attraction promotional texts basically
contained 12 moves; however, they are different in regard to the moves
employed in the two categories. Similarities and differences are rooted from the
communicative purpose and private intentions according to each of the
attractions. The linguistic features used to realize the communicative purpose
of the move and co-responsed to the move function were, for example, modal
verbs and adjectives.
Article Details
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