Science Teacher Conceptions in Socio-scientific Issues and Science Learning Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Pathomrat Khuha Faculty of Education, Naresuan University
  • Sirinapa Kijkuaku มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร


Concepts, teacher, science, socio-scientific issues, COVID-19, Concepts


This qualitative research aimed to investigate the science teachers’ conceptions in socio-scientific issues and how they use these concepts in science learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researcher used interpretative ethnography method according to 3 research instruments: a semi-structured interview, an audio recording and a questionnaire. The participants were 9 in-service teachers from a science teacher community in a school. The findings indicated there was more than 50% of teachers that had correct concepts and were able to manage learning by using socio-scientific issues. However, the researchers could distinguish 9 teachers into 4 groups as follows; group 1) who can understand correct/complete concepts and are able to operate learning management (3 subjects), group, 2) who understand incorrect/incomplete concepts but are able to operate learning management (2 subjects), group, 3) who can understand correct/complete concepts but have never operate learning management (3 subjects) and group, 4) who understand incorrect/incomplete concepts and has never operated learning management (1 subjects). Moreover, there were only 2 of the teachers left those still operated learning management by using socio-scientific issues during the pandemic of COVID-19.


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How to Cite

Khuha, P., & Kijkuaku, S. . (2023). Science Teacher Conceptions in Socio-scientific Issues and Science Learning Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Education Studies, 51(3), EDUCU5103008 (13 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2023.26. Retrieved from