Practical Guide for Music Teaching from the Complete Theoretical and Practical Piano Forte School Op. 500 by Carl Czerny


  • Chanyapong Thongsawang School of Music, Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music


Carl Czerny, Ludwig van Beethoven, piano teaching method, performance practice


Carl Czerny, a pianist and composer, was one of the most diligent piano pedagogues of the 19th century. Apart from his renowned etudes and exercises for developing finger dexterity, he composed a large number of pieces, mainly for piano. His oeuvre includes at least 861 works with opus number, an autobiography, and important treatises. Amongst his treatises is the Complete Theoretical and Practical Piano Forte School, op. 500, consisting of four volumes. In the first two volumes of this treatise, Czerny provides progressive clear instructions on the development of pianistic technique, as well as elementary principles of music and a doctrine of fingering, all illustrated with numerous examples. In the third volume, Czerny discusses the refinement of expression and the understanding of musical style, including even the caprice of the performer. The last part, published as a supplement to the third volume, explains stylistic elements of new romantic compositions and performance commentary on piano works by his teacher, Ludwig van Beethoven. This comprehensive piano method can be usefully applied for teaching contemporary pianists along with Czerny’s technical exercises and as a significant reference source of performance practice. In this article, alongside Czerny’s notes on Beethoven’s teaching, the overview of the content of the whole treatise is summarized with demonstration of selected examples to give a practical guide for teachers and pianists to study and further develop a systematic pedagogical method by Czerny, which might be forgotten nowadays.



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Czerny, C. (1839). Complete theoretical and practical piano forte school: From the first rudiments of playing to the highest and most refined state of cultivation with the requisite numerous examples newly and expressly composed for the occasion in 3 volumes, (J. A. Hamilton, Trans.). R. Cocks & Co.

Czerny, C. (1839). Vollständige theoretisch-praktische Pianoforte-Schule: von dem ersten Anfange bis zur höchsten Ausbildung fortschreitend, und mit allen nöthigen, zu diesem Zwecke eigends componierten zahlreichen Beispielen, in 4 Teilen. A. Diabelli & Comp.

Czerny, C. (1846). Die Kunst des Vortrags der ältern und neuen Claviercompositionen oder: Die Fortschritte bis zur neuesten Zeit. A. Diabelli & Comp.

Czerny, C. (1963). Über den richtigen Vortrag der sämtlichen Beethoven’schen Klavierwerke, nebst Czerny’s Erinnerungen an Beethoven nebst Czerny (P. Badura-Skoda, Ed.). Universal Edition.

Czerny, C. (1968). Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben, In W. Kolneder (Ed.), Collection d’etudes musicologiques/Sammlung musikwissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen 46.

Göllerich, A. (1908). Franz Liszt. Marquardt & Co.

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How to Cite

Thongsawang, C. (2024). Practical Guide for Music Teaching from the Complete Theoretical and Practical Piano Forte School Op. 500 by Carl Czerny. Journal of Education Studies, 52(3), EDUCU5203018. retrieved from