Development of Educational Management Indicators in the Digital age for Secondary Schools


  • ปนัดดา ศิริพัฒนกุล มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏรำไพพรรณี


educational management, digital age, development of indicator


The purpose of this research were to 1) develop of educational management indicators in the digital age. 2) to test the consistency of educational management indicators in the digital age based on a certain conceptual framework, related researches and empirical data. 3) testing measurement invariance across groups. It is development research consisting of 3 steps : Step1; develop of educational management indicators, the sample consisted of 356 administrators and teachers. The research instrument was a questionnaire 1 with .97 reliability coefficient.The analyses were; exploratory factor analysis : first order and second order. Step2; to test the educational management indicators model, the sample consisted of 1,120 administrators and teachers. The research instrument was a questionnaire 2 with .97 reliability coefficient.The analyses were; confirmatory factor analysis: first order and second order. Step 3; testing measurement invariance across groups, group1 ; small and medium school and group 2 ; large and extra-large school. The analyses were; Multi-group Analysis. The results showed that : 1) The educational management indicators in the digital age for secondary schools consist of 18 indicators  and 6 components;  Digital administrator, Digital Organization, Digital learner, Digital power of learning, Digital teacher and Digital citizenship. 2) The model of educational management indicators in the digital age for secondary schools showed congruence with the empirical data x2/dƒ= .871 p-value =.755 RMSEA=0 CFI=1 SRMR=.013 GFI=.999 and 3) The model of educational management indicators in the digital age for secondary schools had invariance between groups, but their factor loading varied.


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How to Cite

ศิริพัฒนกุล ป. (2023). Development of Educational Management Indicators in the Digital age for Secondary Schools. Journal of Education Studies, 51(3), EDUCU5103001 (13 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2023.19. Retrieved from