Psychometric Properties Evaluation of Rubric for Assessing Thai Music Performance: An Application of Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Partial Credit Model
psychometric properties evaluation, rubric, Thai music performance assessment, Many-facet Rasch measurement partial credit modelAbstract
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of a rubric for assessing Thai music performance using the Many-facet Rasch measurement partial credit model. The samples of this study were 1) 84 secondary students who played 4 Thai classical Instruments including Ranad Eak, Ranad Thum, Khong Wong Yai and Khong Wong Lek; and 2) 6 trained raters who had experiences in Thai music performance. The 8 criterion and 12 item rubric for assessing Thai music performance included 5 categories for each item that was used in this study. The data were analyzed using the Many-facet Rasch measurement partial credit model across 4 facets including student, rater, instrument, and item. The results revealed that 1) The results of fit statistics across 4 facets, facet quality index of rater and item facet, point-measure correlation of item facet and category effectiveness index indicated the construct validity of the rubric and 2) Chi-square of student and rater facet and facet quality index of student facet indicated reliability of the rubric.
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