School Mental Health: Guideline for Mental Health Promotion in Adolescents


  • Nanthaka Supreeyaporn Chiang Mai University


school mental health, guideline for mental health promotion, mental health in adolescents, School-based mental health education, mental health literacy


        Promoting mental health in schools by improving mental health literacy among educators (e.g., school directors, classroom teachers, guidance teachers, and welfare school staff) is one of the strategies to prevent and support the emergence of mental health problems and reduce the symptoms of mental health illnesses among adolescents. In addition, mental health literacy in schools helps to reduce stigma in adolescents who experience mental health problems. It can increase help-seeking behaviours among adolescents to receive relevant and timely support. Therefore, school-based mental health is widely accepted and encouraged in many countries worldwide, particularly in countries where mental health resources and investment are limited. There are four levels within the model for mental health promotion in schools: 1) School ethos: create positive culture and caring environment shared by all staff members and students; 2) whole-school organisation: develop clear policies in promoting mental well-being and dealing effectively with adolescents’ mental health problems; 3) pastoral provision: develop effective provision of pastoral care within school for preventing and supporting students; and 4) classroom management: develop effective classroom practice for promoting mental health and well-being of adolescents.




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How to Cite

Supreeyaporn, N. (2023). School Mental Health: Guideline for Mental Health Promotion in Adolescents. Journal of Education Studies, 51(1), EDUCU5101002 (13 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2023.2. Retrieved from