Enhancing the Learning Management Design Abilities of Third-year Students in the Bachelor of Education Program in Mathematics through the Use of Learning Management through Practical Skills


  • Koednet, A. Suan Dusit University
  • Phaudjantuk, S. Suan Dusit University


learning management, practical skills, learning management design


This research aimed to 1) study students’ abilities in learning management design using learning management through practical skills, 2) compare the students’ abilities in learning management design pre- and post-experiment, and 3) study the satisfaction level towards the learning management through practical skills. The research instruments used were a learning management through practical skills lesson plan, an ability in learning management design assessment form, and a learning management through practical skills satisfaction survey form. The results were as follows: 1. Learning management through practical skills could develop the students’ overall ability in learning management to a good level (gif.latex?\mu = 4.42, gif.latex?\sigma = .13). 2. Learning management through practical skills could develop the students’ ability in learning management design, comparing between pre- and post-experiment, d = +26.53. 3. The students were satisfied with the learning management through practical skills at the highest level (gif.latex?\mu = 4.70, gif.latex?\sigma = .31). There were four topics whose average satisfaction scores were at the same level (gif.latex?\mu = 4.82, gif.latex?\sigma = .39). They were 1) promotion of students’ learning through practical experience, 2) instructors’ ability in explaining and transferring knowledge, 3) increase in opportunities allowed by instructor for questions and opinions, and 4) increase in time an instructor has for meeting and consultation after hours.


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How to Cite

Koednet, A. ., & Phaudjantuk, S. . (2021). Enhancing the Learning Management Design Abilities of Third-year Students in the Bachelor of Education Program in Mathematics through the Use of Learning Management through Practical Skills. Journal of Education Studies, 49(2), EDUCU4902011 (15 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.32. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/249905