Development of Indicators of Sufficiency Way of Life for Community Leaders in the Agricultural and Industrial Societies


  • Kitdet, S. Chulalongkorn University
  • Soopanyo, W. Chulalongkorn University
  • Taravanich, N. Chulalongkorn University


indicators, sufficiency way of life, community leaders, agricultural and industrial societies


This research had the objective to develop indicators for sufficiency living for community leaders in agricultural and industrial societies. The research was conducted in three steps, first with a documentary synthesis to outline the indicators of sufficiency living for community leaders, then by conducting interviews with five qualified resource persons and content grouping to determine the indicators of sufficiency living for community leaders, and finally to develop indicators of sufficiency living for community leaders by evaluating the indicators from the five persons concerned. From the research, eight aspects with 21 indicators of sufficiency living for community leaders were found, namely: 1) Living according to the middle path; 2) Sufficiency living; 3) Life security; 4) Self-dependence; 5) Living according to the way of Thai society; 6) Knowing how to use resources efficiently; 7) Being able to logically use knowledge; and 8) Satisfactory self-adaptation.


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How to Cite

Kitdet, S. ., Soopanyo, W. ., & Taravanich, N. . (2021). Development of Indicators of Sufficiency Way of Life for Community Leaders in the Agricultural and Industrial Societies. Journal of Education Studies, 49(2), EDUCU4902004 (12 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.25. Retrieved from